
Attach2Cloud Automatically uploads your Microsoft Outlook attached files to OneDrive, SharePoint Online and Teams and replaces them by linksaka Microsoft Outlook Modern Attachments or Shared Links when you send your emails.

Thanks to Attach2Cloud, you can now use MS Outlook to send files without any email size limit.
Now includes a
Cloud Explorer
for OneDrive, SharePoint Online and Teams
integrated into
a Microsoft Outlook Side Panel!
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MS Outlook – OneDrive, SharePoint Online and
Teams Integration

The easiest and fasted way
to upload and share files
on OneDrive, SharePoint
Online or Teams

See why Attach2Cloud is the simplest and fastest way to upload and share files on OneDrive, SharePoint Online or Teams.

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MS Outlook – OneDrive, SharePoint Online and
Teams Integration

How to Increase the Outlook
Attachment Size Limit
up to 250 GB per file,
without any email size limit

How to Attach and send files of any size (up to 250 GB per file) in MS Outlook, without any email size limit, and without thinking about it!

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MS Outlook – OneDrive, SharePoint Online and
Teams Integration

How to automatically upload
all Outlook attached files
to OneDrive, SharePoint
Online or Teams

How to automatically upload All MS Outlook attached files to OneDrive, SharePoint Online or Teams, without any user interaction.

Attach2Cloud, the Microsoft Outlook add-in that uploads your MS Outlook Attached Files to OneDrive, SharePoint Online and Teams

+ 20 features to boost OneDrive, SharePoint Online, Teams and Office 365 modern collaboration features' adoption


Attach your files in Outlook as usual, clicking the paperclip button or doing drag and drops.

Attach2Cloud Automatically uploads your MS Outlook attached files to OneDrive, SharePoint Online or Teams, and replaces them by Modern Attachments (shared links) when your email is sent.

You can configure Attach2Cloud to operate fully automatically (no UI) or to display its Attached File Control Center.


Only upload to OneDrive, SharePoint Online or Teams attached files exceeding a given size in MB and / or attached files of given file types.

For example, only upload to OneDrive, SharePoint Online or Teams attached files over 5 MB, plus all video files like MP*, AVI and MOV files.

These options (as all other Attach2Cloud parameters and options) can be managed centrally using Windows Group Policies.

Applying rules

Optionally specify target OneDrive, SharePoint Online or Teams folders for given attached file types.

For example, upload all attached picture files like JPG, PNG etc. to a OneDrive Pictures folder.

Attached files not directed to a specific OneDrive, SharePoint Online or Teams  folder are uploaded to the default OneDrive Attachments folder (or to another OneDrive folder to be used as the default Attach2Cloud folder).

Setting elapsing dates

Optionally specify for how long you want to keep your attached files uploaded on OneDrive, SharePoint Online and Teams available; For instance 30 days.

Once this delay is expired, the files are automatically deleted from their cloud folder.

Attach2Cloud elapsing dates for the MS Outlook attached files uploaded to OneDrive, SharePoint Online and Teams avoid bloating your cloud storage with terabytes of outdated attached files.

Specifications Based on Large Customer Requirements

No User Training

Attach2Cloud is fully automatic and transparent to the Microsoft Outlook and OneDrive users.

This is why it can be massively deployed without any prior user training.

The emails into which Attach2Cloud has replaced file attachments by OneDrive shortcuts are fully standard emails and of course do not require using Attach2Cloud to open them.

Small Footprint

Attach2Cloud is an optimized and very effective Outlook add-in.

It uses so little memory and CPU resources that it has no special requirements in this matter.

Still better, it makes the process of sending emails containing file attachments smoother and also avoids bumping into the maximum allowed email size limit when sending large files.

Perfect Integration

Attach2Cloud is fully integrated to Microsoft Outlook.

Therefore the users see it as a standard feature helping them to do a far more productive usage of Microsoft Outlook.

And system administrators loves the full integration of Attach2Cloud parameters in Windows Group Policies and the optional consolidated statistics.


Attach2Cloud uploads the attached files to OneDrive fully asynchronously.

Thus, for the users, it is exactly the same as sending emails with attached files, and even quicker since the upload of the files to OneDrive can start as soon as the files are attached.

Also, reducing the email average size from MBs to KBs really makes your email system far more agile

Manageable Settings

All Attach2Cloud parameters can (optionally) be centrally managed using  Windows GPOs (Group Policy Objects).

An ADMX template ready to be installed in your Group Policy Central Store is provided.

Easy Deployment

Attach2Cloud MSI setup packages are designed for large and very large deployments.

They are small (+-14 MB), configurable, ready to operate fully silently and support per user and per computer installs.


Attach2Cloud comes with the Attach2Cloud Online Technical Reference.

It contains the exhaustive product documentation, step-by step guides, ready-to-use configuration examples as well as usage and deployment advices.

Technical Support

Attach2Cloud technical support is provided in English, French, German and Spanish through your Attach2Cloud Subscription.

Attach2Cloud subscriptions also includes all minor and major Attach2Cloud software updates.

More about Attach2Cloud

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