Automatically replace your Outlook attachments with OneDrive shortcuts based on their type (e. g. video) when sending your emails.
Simply attach your files and send your emails as usual!
Automatically Replace Outlook attached files of given types (like video files) by OneDrive shortcuts when sending your emails
If Attached File Type is MP4, MP3, AVI or MKV then upload it to Onedrive
See how you can instantly make all your Office 365 users automatically uploading all Outlook attached files of given types (like video and audio files) to OneDrive and replace them by OneDrive shortcuts (aka OneDrive Modern Attachments) instead. (Rules are also available to test the file sizes).
In this usage case, Attach2Cloud has been configured to automatically upload all MS Outlook video and audio attached files to OneDrive and to share them with the recipients of the Outlook email. The process is 100% transparent to the Outlook users.
Outlook Users have nothing special to do. They attach their files to their emails and send their emails as usual!
Attach2Cloud does not even require one single additional click!
The emails sent contain OneDrive shortcuts instead of large attached files.
This ensures that they can be successfully received by all of their recipients. (No more rejected emails due to exceeding the maximum allowed email size).
Another key advantage of Attach2Cloud is that it allows files to be attached to Outlook emails with virtually no size limit (up to 250 GB (1) per file).
Yes, you read it right! Whatever the limits in terms of maximum email size or maximum attachment size configured in Office 365, Outlook and Exchange, you are now free, thanks to Attach2Cloud, to attach files up to 250 GB unit size (1) to your Outlook emails, without any email size limit!
(1) This 250 GB limit is the maximum allowed size of a OneDrive file.
Demo | Uploading Outlook attached files of given types to OneDrive based on a rule
Yumiko is sending an email with video and audio attached files to Rose
Hi, I’m Yumiko!
Attach2Cloud is installed on my computer. Let me show you how it automatically converts my Outlook video and audio attached files to OneDrive shortcuts.
I just created a new email and attached 3 files (two videos and one audio file).
I click on Send…
The total size of the files used in this demo remains under the maximum allowed email size limit.
This is on purpose to demo the Attach2Cloud hability to only upload to OneDrive files of given types.
Attach2Cloud allows attaching files exceeding the maximum allowed email size limit.
With Attach2Cloud, you can attach files to virtually any size (up to 250 GB per file, with no email size limit).
My email is put in the Outbox (like any other email being sent). I can continue working in Outlook, writing sorting and sending other emails.
As you can see by looking at the email being sent, Attach2Cloud is uploading my 3 attached files to OneDrive and displaying the progression of the upload:
“Starting to upload 3 attachments to OneDrive…”
When Attach2Cloud finishes the upload, it shares the OneDrive files with the email recipients and replaces the email attached files by their OneDrive shortcuts. The email is then sent.
All this is 100% automatic and transparent. There is not even one single extra click needed!
Rose is receiving the Yumiko’s email
The video and audio attachments have been replaced by OneDrive shortcuts
Hi, I’m Rose!
This is the email Yumiko just sent to me. The video and audio files sent by Yumiko have been replaced by OneDrive shortcuts.
The Yumiko’s email size is now 66 KB, although Yumiko sent me more than 28 MB of attached files!
I can open or download the video and audio files Yumiko sent to me by clicking on the corresponding OneDrive Shortcuts.
I of course do not need Attach2Cloud to access these OneDrive files.
In the Yumiko’s Outlook Sent Items folder, the email sent to Rose contains the same OneDrive shortcuts
If we look at the email I just sent to Rose and to my other team members in my Outlook Sent Items folder, it contains the same OneDrive shortcuts as those received by Rose and Team.
Thanks to Attach2Cloud, we can now collaborate using the same unique copy of these files stored in OneDrive.
Attach2Cloud Outlook – OneDrive Integration Benefits
With Attach2Cloud, we now automatically upload all our Outlook video and audio attached files to OneDrive.
Sending video and audio attached files has always caused problems; important and urgent emails rejected because exceeding the maximum allowed email size, mailbox size (and local Outlook OST file size) inflation causing performance issues and mailbox synchronization delays, huge amount of network bandwidth and storage consumed when sending large attached files to multiple recipients, recipients not able to receive large emails with video or audio attached files, etc.
Thanks to Attach2Cloud, not only all these problems are behind us, but we are now far more efficient when working with video and audio files; instead of trying to send them back and forth as MS Outlook attached files, we now manage one single copy of these files automatically uploaded and stored by Attach2Cloud in OneDrive.
After some weeks, some Attach2Cloud users asked if we could offer them the option to automatically upload, not only their largest Outlook attached files, but any attached files of their choice to OneDrive.
We thus decided to configure Attach2cloud to allow users to interact with Attach2Cloud at the time they send emails containing attached files.
By using the Attached File Control Center (an Attach2Cloud window displayed when the Outlook users send emails containing attached files), Attach2Cloud users can now, in a couple of clicks, upload the files of their choice to OneDrive (not only the largest), in OneDrive folders of their choice, and, if necessary, set an expiration date and their preferred OneDrive permissions on each of the files to be uploaded to OneDrive.
All our users are now OneDrive Pros, without doing anything but attaching their files to their Outlook emails as usual!
Thanks to Attach2Cloud, all our users have adopted OneDrive without any training and without changing their habits.
We continue to attach our files to our Outlook emails as usual, but we do not need to send them back (after modification) as attachments in response emails. Since attached files are automatically uploaded to OneDrive the first time they are sent (and automatically shared with the recipients of the Outlook email), sender and recipients can work on a single copy of the files stored in the Cloud.
This allows us to benefit from all of Office 365’s advanced collaboration features such as real-time co-authoring in Word, Excel and PowerPoint, integrated version management and selective OneDrive synchronization, on all these files, without having done anything else than attaching them to our emails as usual! That’s really awesome!
Attach2Cloud’s ability to attach files of any size to Outlook emails also appealed to users.
After having limited the maximum allowed email size to 10 to 35 MB, It is funny to advise our Outlook users to attach very large files like 1 GB or even more to their Outlook emails.
Since Attach2Cloud automatically uploads these files to OneDrive and replaces them by OneDrive shortcuts, there is virtually no limit anymore to the amount of files users can attach to their Outlook emails.
Adopting Attach2Cloud enabled us to stop using third-party platforms for the exchange of large and very large files to the benefit of OneDrive. This really makes things easier for our users who do not have to deal anymore with unsecured external platforms to exchange very large files, and for our administrators as well. Attach2Cloud contributed to eradicate Shadow IT.
All this contributed to maximize very significantly our Office 365 investment.
More about the Attach2Cloud Outlook – OneDrive Integration Features
Discover other Attach2Cloud features and configuration options by browsing our other usage cases, among them:
- Allow MS Outlook users to interact with Attach2Cloud to choose which attached files to upload to OneDrive, in which OneDrive target folders, and to set OneDrive permissions and elapsing dates to the Outlook attached files uploaded by Attach2Cloud to OneDrive, on a per file basis.
- Allow MS Outlook users to attach very large files (up to 250 GB (1) per file), exceeding, by far, the Outlook maximum email size limit.
(Attach2Cloud uploads and shares these files on OneDrive and replaces them by attached OneDrive shortcuts when the email is sent).(1) This 250 GB limit is the maximum allowed size of a OneDrive file. - Automatically replace all Microsoft Outlook attached files by OneDrive shortcuts when sending your emails. No user interaction is required, all is 100% automatic and transparent.
- Automatic upload of all MS Outlook attached files larger than a given number of MB to OneDrive based on a rule that can be specified and managed centrally or set by the users themselves.
(Attach2Cloud uploads and shares these attached files on OneDrive and replaces them with OneDrive shortcuts when the email is sent).
- Send invitations to upload files to OneDrive from Outlook. You are writing an Outlook email. Insert, in one click, an invitation to upload files to OneDrive. In the received email, clicking the invitation opens, in the browser, a OneDrive folder to which your recipients can drop the files they want to share with you.
More details on the benefits of Attach2Cloud…
If any questions remain after reading the above pages, please make sure to check our Q&A page or to contact us, we’ll always be most pleased to answer.
Also, please feel free to try Attach2Cloud for yourself by downloading the free, fully functional Attach2Cloud evaluation version.