You are writing an Outlook email. Insert, in one click, an invitation to upload files to OneDrive. 
In the received email, clicking the invitation opens, in the browser, a OneDrive folder to which your recipients can drop the files they want to share with you.

Send invitations to upload files to OneDrive from Outlook

In short:

You need others to send you very large files?

Create an Outlook email and Insert, in one click on a ribbon button, an invitation to upload files on OneDrive.

Create a new email:

  1. Click the “Insert invite to upload files” Attach2Cloud button displayed in the email window ribbon.
  2. In the invitation panel, Adjust the invitation properties if needed, and validate the dialog.
  3. The invitation is inserted in your Outlook email at the cursor position.
  4. Finish your email and send it to your recipients as usual.
    That’s it!

How does it work?

  • When sending your email, Attach2Cloud automatically:
    – Creates on OneDrive folder for your invitation
    – Shares this invitation folder with the recipients of your email
    – Inserts a link to this folder with instructions in the email being sent
  • As soon as some recipients upload files to your OneDrive invitation folder, you are notified through a standard Windows notification.
  • This notification includes a “More Details” button enabling to display a dashboard listing the updates having occurred in your invitation folders since the last notification (files having been added, removed or modified).


Allow other people to share large files with you, in one click

(*) Up to 250 GB per file.

Janet is sending an invitation to upload files to OneDrive to John

Janet is sending an invitation to upload files to OneDrive from Outlook John

Hi, I’m Janet!

Attach2Cloud is installed on my computer. Let me show you how easy it is to ask John to share some files with me on OneDrive.

I just created a new email in Outlook. I click the “Insert invite to upload files” Attach2Cloud button in the Message ribbon…

The Attach2Cloud "Insert Invite to upload files to OneDrive" button in the Outlook message ribbon

The Attach2Cloud invitation form is displayed, it allows me to:

  • modify the text of the invitation
  • name my invitation OneDrive folder using the current date and / or a text of my choice,
  • program the deletion of this folder after n days
  • add this folder to the list of my preferred OneDrive folders (to reuse it to upload files to OneDrive later on)
  • set the proper OneDrive permissions to this folder

I then validate this form…

After clicking on the Insert invitation to upload files to OneDrive Outlook Button
The Attach2cloud insert invite to upload files to OneDrive dialog

Attach2Cloud has inserted the invitation to upload files to OneDrive in my email, at the cursor position.

As you can see, the text of the invitation is well the text I edited, and the invitation includes the mention of the OneDrive folder expiration date (the date at which this folder will be deleted).

I add few words to my email, sign it and click on Send…

Attach2Cloud has inserted the invitation to upload files to OneDrive in the Janet's email

John is receiving the Janet’s invitation email

John is receiving the MS Outlook email containing invitation to upload files to OneDrive sent by Janet

Hi, I’m John!

Let’s have a look at the email Janet just sent to me:

This seems to be pretty much straightforward. The text of the invitation is self-explanatory.

I click the invitation link…

The received Outlook email with the invitation to upload files to OneDrive has arrived in the John's inbox
The Outlook email containing the Attach2Cloud invitation to upload files to OneDrive sent by Janet

John clicks the invitation link provided in the Janet’s invitation email

Clicking the link provided in the Janet’s invitation email opens this OneDrive panel in my browser, inviting me to select files to upload:

This panel is displayed when the OneDrive invitation folder sharing permissions is set to Anyone + Blind upload in the panel allowing to set the invitation properties.
It is very convenient when you don’t want the recipients of your invitation to see the content of the OneDrive invitation folder (like the files uploaded to this folder by the other recipients of the invitation).

When using the other invitation permissions, you can display another user interface showing the content of the OneDrive invitation folder and allowing your recipients to drag and drop files to this folder when they click the invitation link.
In this case, not only the recipients of your invitation can see the files uploaded by others, but they can also modify them. (Although they cannot delete them).

The web page displayed when John clicks the invitation link inserted by Attach2Cloud in the Janet's Outlook email

Clicking the “Select Files” button displays a dialog enabling me to select the files I need to provide to Janet.

I select some files and validate this dialog.

John selects some files to be uploaded to the Janet's OneDrive invitation folder created by Attach2Cloud

A recap of the files to upload is then displayed.

I can select and add more files if needed.

Once I’m done, I click on “Upload“.

A recap of the files selected by John to be uploaded to the Janet's OneDrive invitation folder is displayed

The selected files are being uploaded to the Janet’s OneDrive invitation folder.

The files selected by John to be uploaded to the Janet's OneDrive invitation folder are being uploaded...

The upload of my files to the Janet’s OneDrive invitation folder is now completed.

I can select and upload more files if needed.

The upload of the files selected by John to the Janet OneDrive invitation folder is completed

Let’s go back to Janet’s computer: a Windows notification pops up…

Janet showing the Attach2Cloud notification informing her that the content of one of her OneDrive invitation folders has been modified

Attach2Cloud displays this Windows notification informing me about an update in the content of one of my invitation folders.

I click on “More Details” to display the Attach2cloud dashboard below listing the video files which have just been uploaded by John in my invitation folder.

The Attach2Cloud Windows 10 notification notifying Janet that one of her OneDrive invitation folders content has been updated

Clicking “More Details” in the notification displays the Attach2Cloud invitation folder dashboard

This dashboard is really convenient. From this single window, I can:

  • click on the file names to open these OneDrive files (locally or online)
  • click on the email address of the person having uploaded a file to this invitation folder, to send an email to him / her
  • click on the OneDrive invitation folder name to open it and display its full content, locally or online
  • set, modify or remove the date at which the OneDrive invitation folder must be deleted
  • stop sharing the OneDrive invitation folder
  • access the dashboard Options panel.
The Attach2cloud invitation folder dashboard showing the files uploaded by John to the Janet's OneDrive invitation folder

Attach2Cloud – Sending invitations to upload files to OneDrive from OutlookAttach2Cloud Outlook – OneDrive Integration Benefits

John talking about Attach2Cloud benefits

With Attach2Cloud, it has never been so easy to invite colleagues, partners and clients to upload files to OneDrive!

This is particularly convenient when our users need to get large files (too large to be sent by email) from other people.

With Attach2Cloud, not only can we send very large Outlook attached files without any email size limit, but we can also provide to other people (inside or outside our organization) the ability to share files of any size with us, even if these people are not OneDrive users!
All this in a few seconds when writing an email, it’s genius!

The instant Attach2Cloud Windows 10 notifications, popping up when files are uploaded to, modified in, or deleted from invitation folders, and offering to display a dashboard listing all the recent updates in our invitation folders in a single window save our users huge amount of time.


Janet talking about Attach2Cloud benefits

Attach2cloud by allowing us to send very large files from Outlook (and OneDrive) without any email size limit had already significantly reduced the usage of unsecured external platforms for the exchange of large files.

But having Attach2Cloud also allowing us to send invitations to upload files to OneDrive in a couple of clicks when writing our Outlook emails definitely put an end to Shadow IT.

Attach2Cloud is really the easiest and fastest way to share files on OneDrive. Our Office 365 users have adopted it in a few weeks, with no need for user training.

Thanks to Attach2Cloud, all of our Office 365 users have started using OneDrive intensively. This is a great help in the adoption of all MS Office 365 features based on the Cloud and requiring the user files to be stored on OneDrive!

More about the Attach2Cloud Outlook – OneDrive Integration Features

Discover other Attach2Cloud features and configuration options by browsing our other usage cases, among them:

More details on the benefits of Attach2Cloud…

If any questions remain after reading these pages, please make sure to check our Q&A page or to contact us, we’ll always be most pleased to answer.

Also, please feel free to try Attach2Cloud for yourself by downloading the free, fully functional Attach2Cloud evaluation version.
